Blog Tips

Best Ways to Decide Exactly What to Blog About

Thursday, March 24, 2016 Unknown

3 Effective Ways to Decide Exactly What to Blog About
Best Ways to Decide Exactly What to Blog About

Locating an effective topic for your blogging site can be a challenge. Typically, individuals will choose a specific general topic as a way to become a part of an online community. Businesses will often use their blogging site is an effective tool to promote their business. However you approach your blogging site, your updated post will likely fit into a specific niche.

While it is not required at all to find a particular niche or community it is best to focus your blogging updates in a specific direction. It should be obvious that the purpose of your blog is easily understood and well defined by both you, and every visitor that lands on your blogging site.

There are three specific tips you can use as effective ways to enhance your blogging site. Those three specific tips include:

Be Helpful
Recognize that you will likely be able to attract and hold onto the attention of more readers if your updated blogging content offers valuable information that every visitor can use. Typically, successful blogging sites avoid daily family life and other fascinating personal information. That is not to suggest that you should not blend in interesting content about your family if your site offers moneymaking solutions. Ideally, any information that can help others generate a better income should be involved in your site, even if it includes the actions of your family.

Choose the Right Niche
It is imperative that the niche market topic that you choose is neither too broad nor specific. If your blogging updates tend to be too general in knowledge, there is no focus, call the action, or any specific information that can be harnessed to be helpful to your readers. Likewise, when the topic of the update is too narrow, it will likely only be effective information for just a small handful of your online visitors. Choose instead to post valuable content that is targeted specifically to the niche market that will be appealing to the largest portion of your targeted audience.

Give Yourself Breathing Room
Selecting the best topic is one that will likely give you breathing room. You will need to find a niche that allows you to update it definitely on a regular basis. In other words, never choose any niche topic that might be too narrow in scope. This could create a situation where you run out of the ability to generate fascinating content after just a few weeks or a couple of months.

The simplest way of making sure you are not making this mistake is to brainstorm for any potential upcoming posts, or interesting subtopics that will bolster your niche topic. If you are able to develop a long list, it is likely the perfect sign that you will always have plenty to write about.

Typically, the most interesting blogging sites are those that are written by individuals who have a passion for their specific niche topic. Choose to follow your heart, so you can write about things that interest you and other like-minded individuals.


Simple Step to Install a Blogger Template

Thursday, November 12, 2015 Unknown

Blogger Template

How To Install a Blogger Templates?
Simple Step to Install a Blogger Template

Dear readers now I'm going to share a tips about How to install a Blogger template in any blog. It is very simple & easy way to change your blogger theme with XML blogger templates. We can change our blogger theme for editing by own creative hands or also there are many website or blog which are offer to download free  ready  or paid premium Blogger templates. So you can easily download from any templates & then install it easily. Its very important to look your blog attractive to others.

There are some list of Google search top free blogger templates site ;
Just Following simple step How to install a Blogger template?

After downloaded your new Blogger Template to your computer, follow the steps (don't worry, it's easy! :)

>Login to your Blogger Dashboard. Click on "Template". Look at the screenshot
How To Install  Blogger Template  In Your Blog

 > Click on "Backup/Restore".
How To Install  Blogger Template  In Your Blog

>Always backup your current template, before install a new template, this prevent some to loss your last templates settings.
How To Install  Blogger Template  In Your Blog

 > Now you are ready... click on "Browse Button".

> Now pick your new template (important! it have to be a XML FILE) and click Open. One think if your templates in a RAR Or ZIP format first of all you should unzip this file fast.

> Click on upload button & wait for some time you are done finally to install your templates.

If you like my post please share it with others & also if you faced any problem please make a comments. We will reply as soon as possible.


Simple Way to Write a Blog Post


How To Write a Blog Post?
Simple Way to Write a Blog Post

Dear Visitor Now I'm going to share the simple way to make a blog post. This tips only for new blogger who are going to start or make a new blog .

> Just login to your with your email id or password.

Look at the screen-shot care fully:

>Click on round Red mark Tab Create New Post

> Look at the screenshot red error mark to write a title of the post which you want to write & start writing your articles or post under title which called body of the post.When you finished your writing you should doing some extra work to published your post.

> After finished to write your post you should create a level. look at the screenshot red error 1 action game or pc game is a level of the post so you should write a level in this section as you want or your post related.

> Now your post is ready to published so click publish button. Look at the screenshot red erro mark 

> Now Click On red round indicte button  for your post publish.

> Now Click red round indicate button view blog to see your post.

>Look at this screen shot finally your post is published.

Dear visitor if you have any question about this post writing please make a comment & we will support you as early as possible.

Tags:write a blog post, how to write a blog post, writing a blog, how to write a blog, how to write a good blog post, how to write a blog, how do you write a blog, starting a blog , blog posts 


Simple Way to Make a Blogger Blog


How To Make A Blogger Blog ?
Simple Way to Make a Blogger Blog

Dear Visitor there are many ways to make a blog. Today's I'm going to share the simple way to create a blog for free. So stay with us for learning easy method with simple screen short.

Dear readers this time blog is a popular word for every where in online community. All we are spend our  leisure time in online for browsing net , chatting , Watching video on YouTube, Works on outsourcing, develop our blog or site etc. Blog is a grate plat forms where we are express our writing efficiency easily. In my point of view its a digital diary. Also if we make a successful blog it will be a money generator also. Its is easy to make a blog but its too heard to reach & get popular your blog for readers or internet world. Its a log process & heard working way. You may also get steps to steps information for make a successful blog tips from our blog.

Ok come to the point, there are many platforms to create a blog. The most popular platforms are Blogger, TypePad, and or many others. First of all you must chose which platforms you went & to make your blog. All those Blogger are the most popular blogging platform ever. I'm also working with this platforms & love this very much. 

How can you make a blog?

It is very easy way to make a blog. Follow this simple step for making a blog ;

  1. You need a gmail account [ go to & create a gmail account first]
  2.  Go to blogger home page & start 

Screenshot 01

 Signup with your gmail id. Look at the screen short

Screenshot 02

 After longing look at the screen short serially & do all step for as i shown in the picture.

Screenshot 03

Click continue to Blogger then you will get  a page like the screenshot 04.Now click New blog button

Screenshot 04
Now you should follow three things. First of all You should input " a blog title name " & "a blog address name" which you like. Input "Game For PC" as your blog title name which i'm showing in screenshot.

Then second step input a blog address as like

Third step chose a template as you like. There are few default template for blogger.

Ok your work is finished.

Screenshot 05

 Look at screenshot 06 & your blog is ready 'games for pc'

Screenshot 06

Now your blog is created. you can now post any articles as you want. so enjoy for blogging & be a blogger.

Dear friends if you have any problems to create blog please make a comments or comments. we should help you to reply & support.

Tags: make a blog , making a blog, how to make a blog,how to make blogger , how to make a blog for free, how to make blog, how to make money blogging, free blog sites, free blogging sites, how to blog, how to start a blog 


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