How To Write a Blog Post?
Simple Way to Write a Blog Post
Visitor Now I'm going to share the simple way to make a blog post. This tips only
for new blogger who are going to start or make a new blog .
Just login to your with your email id or
Look at the screen-shot care fully:
on round Red mark Tab Create New Post
Look at the screenshot red error mark to write a title of the
post which you want to write & start writing your articles
or post under title which called body of the post.When you
finished your writing you should doing some extra work to published
your post.
After finished to write your post you should create a level. look at
the screenshot red error 1 action game or pc game is a
level of the post so you should write a level in this section as you
want or your post related.
Now your post is ready to published so click publish button. Look at
the screenshot red erro mark
Now Click On red round indicte button for your post publish.
Now Click red round indicate button view blog to see your post.
at this screen shot finally your post is published.
visitor if you have any question about this post writing please make
a comment & we will support you as early as possible.
Tags:write a blog post, how to write a blog post, writing a blog, how to write a blog, how to write a good blog post, how to write a blog, how do you write a blog, starting a blog , blog posts